Alfred Wainwright was an accountant by profession, but being skilled in the art of bookkeeping was not the source of his fame, rather a famed connection to the Lake District.
Antisocial by his own admission and renowned for his stubbornness, Blackburn-born Wainwright is immortalised for his seven Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells, at last count selling over 2million copies in the 60-plus years since first publication.

Penned by his own hand over a period of 13 years – one page a day - Wainwright meticulously and diligently documented 214 Lake district fells, now affectionally known as The Wainwrights. Each fell illustrated by Wainwright’s own hand, and objectively described in dedicated prose.
Hikers the world over flock to the Lake District in their sturdy hiking boots to walk the Wainwrights. Whether sunny, or more likely wet, the disciples stick to their task and tick off one fell after another, with a select number documented as having completed all 214 – as can be seen at
In tribute to those inspirational walkers Pipsiglass has produced a stained glass walking boot, available in a selection of colours. For your dedication and duty, we salute you!